Introduction & Natural Treatment

Candidiasis is defined as the abnormal overgrowth in the gastrointestinal tract of a usually benign yeast called Candida albicans.  This overgrowth of candida affects virtually every system of the body, with the gastrointestinal, genitourinary, endocrine, nervous and immune systems being the most vulnerable.

Candida albicans is a part of the normal body flora and generally inhabits the gastrointestinal tract in a harmonious manner as well as the warm moist crevices of the vaginal tract in women.  However this yeast can overgrow for example when the immune system is compromised, or when the gastrointestinal tract has been damaged and this results in the body absorbing the yeast and various toxins.


Typical candidiasis patient profile

  • Sex and Age
    • female and usually during the fertile years.
  • General symptoms
    • general malaise
    • chronic fatigue
    • decreased libido
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms
    • altered bowel function
    • intestinal cramps
    • abdominal bloating and flatulence
    • thrush
    • anal itching
  • Genitourinary symptoms
    • vaginal yeast infection
    • intolerable itching and discomfort
    • frequent urinary tract infections
  • Endocrine system complaints
    • menstrual complaints
    • premenstrual syndrome
    • endocrine disturbances
  • Nervous system complaints
    • depression and irritability
    • inability to concentrate or perform simple cognitive tasks
  • Immune system complaints
    • allergies and chemical sensitivities
    • low immune function


Predisposing factors to candida overgrowth

  • Altered bowel flora
  • Decreased digestive secretions
  • Diet enriched with simple carbohydrates which “feed” the candida overgrowth.
  • Prolonged and or indiscriminant usage of antibiotics.
  • Prolonged useage of non steroidal and inflammatory drugs.
  • Compromised immune system
  • Impaired liver function
  • Nutritional deficiency arising from improper absorption caused by irritable bowel syndrome, crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis or “leaky gut syndrome”.
  • Underlying disease states


Clinical Diagnosis Of Candidiasis

Clinical evaluation from

1. Detailed medical history
2. Patient questionnaire
3. Clinical profile

Laboratory techniques

1. Stool cultures
2. Measurement of candida antigens in the blood


Natural Medicine & Treatments

The underlying cause for Candida overgrowth must be addressed for any lasting cure. The chronic use of anti yeast medication may cause an overgrowth of normal resident bacteria in the same manner as the indiscriminate use of antibiotics can promote an overgrowth of candida

Again the patient meaning YOU will need to take some responsibility for your own health and certain measures will need to be implemented such as those below:

  • Inner Cleansing Programme

  • Dietary factors

    • There are a number of dietary factors associated with promoting and sustaining chronic candidiasis infection. Diet is crucial in the management, control and final eradication of candidiasis.
    • Recognition of food sensitivities and elimination of them in the diet.
  • Nutritional supplements

    1. Probiotic supplement
    2. Digestive enzyme therapy
    3. Hydrochloric acid supplement
  • Herbal Medicine

  • Counselling